I saw the news on TV yesterday *maybe, and said, "thanks GOD" with relief and only found out the truth today. I regret for saying those without knowing the 'news' I used to read about Libya and the late Gaddafi were total lie. Again and again, thanks TV* for providing us 'the facts'.
I read this somewhere in facebook :
kpd sesiapa yg x tahu, tujuan sebenar nato menyerang libya bukanlah untuk mengembalikn kestabilan politik disana, tetapi utk membunuh dan menjatuhkn kerajan yg diterajui oleh muammar gadafi. knp? sebab muammar gadafi adalah satu2nya pemimpin islam yg sgt degil (tidak boleh diperalatkn oleh kuasa barat). penyebab utama kenapa barat sgt takut dgn muammar gadafi ialah disebkn "ekonomi negara islam yg bersandarkn emas" yg telh lama diperjuangkn oleh muamar gadafi. beliau telah lama mendesak/mengajak negara2 islam pengeluar minyak utk hanya menerima emas sebagai tukaran. sekirnya negara2 islam bersatu dn menggunakn matawang yg dicadangkn gadafi ini, ekonomi barat akan jatuh dimana DOLAR akan kehilangan nilai. sekaligus menjatuhkn penguasaan org2 barat dlm ekonomi dunia. kalau mmg serangan keatas libya bersandrkn kestabiln politik, kenp somalia tidak diserang? sdgkn somalia adalah antara negara yg paling anarki di dunia ini. simple. sbb target sbnar nato ialah muammar gadafi. the echonomist revolutionaries. he stand tall to fight againts the west corrupted fiat money based economy. but now hes dead. and yet
another muslims puppet state is born.
and totally agree with this :
Qaddafi's first order of business was to shut down the American and British military bases in Libya. He also demanded that foreign oil companies in Libya share a bigger portion of revenue with the country. Qaddafi replaced the Gregorian calendar with the Islamic one, and
forbid the sale of alcohol. At least he had done something good for his country during his life. compared to our leaders??
nodded my head reading this :
he is a man amongst man. he said he will fight to his death for what he stand for. and he did. he never leave. alfatihah.
but the truth is only God knows, yang berlaku di langit dan di bumi. Al fatihah.
ReplyDeletethanx ely 4 da info. ak pn slh phm jgk lam hal ne. ya its true dat die dh mcm diktator, tp ape yg die buat ade sbb yg kukuh. alfatihah~
ReplyDelete*sebak lg bile tingat die marayu kt rkyt nye 'anak jgn bunuh sy' siyes sdey :'(
suezna~alfatihah ^_^
ReplyDeleteezat~tak sanggup nk tgk, smpai skarang ni pn...doakan yg terbaik sesama muslim utk arwah :)