Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stop being delicious dear food


aku tweet ni dekat twitter hari tu "will be expanding just like a full term pregnancy mother within 4 months time." okay, mak aihh ada pulak yang like, nasib takde yang retweet, aku puasa sebulan terus kang haha orang tu, tak lain tak bukan ialah bff aku yang memang nak sangat aku expand and burst macam hot air ballon. jaga-jaga, kang betol aku expand macam tu sebab doktor sahkan positif, naya haha

tapi aku take it as cabaran. aku cakap sendiri, aku kena ni, jatuh wajib dah ni kurangkan makan sebab kerja aku kat rumah apa sangat. atau senang kata memang aku tak de keja ape. kalau aku terus makan macam aku makan ni, memang kalah erra fazira dalam cinta kolestrol or even heroin dalam Prosecutor Princess tu *demam korea.

aku kalau menginap dekat rumah akak aku lagi naya. tengah-tengah syok tengok tv, bila balik abang ipar aku, "malam ni abe dapat projek. so abe nak belanja makan besar." warghhhh aku apa lagi, cepat-cepat geleng kepala sambil cepat-cepat gerak cari cardigan and sarung tudung. haihhhh rezeki jangan ditolak. rasa dalam 2 kali jugak la seminggu akan ada tragedy macam tu. 

then aku teringin pulak nak mini cooper comel macam kepsi PWP (purchase with purchase) tu. si abang yang suka cakap aku gemokk ni pulak yang teruja nak makan tapi dah beli lupa pulak nak beli sekali mini cooper tu. esok pulak nak beli tak payah lah, kang aku jugak kena makan lagi mouthful tu
musuh ketat
aku rasa aku macam dah commit sin dengan badan aku sendiri sebab amik trans fat tengah2 malam. so keesokannye, aku nak say sorry kat badan aku so aku pun masak la sup ayam + potatoes without makan nasik *fail aku makan jugak nasi segenggam. kesian sistem hadam kena keja kuat jugak.
potatoes tu pun tah dah berapa dia nye carbs
aku suka makan tapi banyak makanan aku tak suka. pelik kan statement tu hihihi means, kalau aku dah suka satu makanan tu, memang aku akan craze nak itu jela. contohnya :

buruk pulak macaroni bakar aku. rupa tak penting tp rase nye yg digemari haha

tengah syok type ni ada bunyi creepy pulak entah dari mana. check tengok.! perot aku weh hahaha okay, karang bangun sahur boleh makan. malam ni dah tutup kedai sudaa okay. sebelum tuuu nak kasi tunjuk dulu barang kesayangan aku. jangan teringin, aku tak kasi haha
taknak kalah dgn cita korea letak ni depan pintu. baru beli ni

okay. bye. jom same-same puasa sempena Israk Mikraj ni, besar pahala masya allah macam puasa 60 tahun, insya allah :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Save the date :: Tomok

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Esok 27 Rejab Isra' Mikraj tapi sebab aku ada hal esok tak boleh puasa so aku puasa hari ni. sebab puasa baru la aku ada masa update blog. jangan ingat kalau tak puasa aku dok makan je kejanya pulak haha aku sekarang tengah rajin try resepi baru so asal boring je mula la berasap dapur mak tu. dengar macam masak macam-macam dah tapi setakat ni baru satu dua aku try pon. nk kira yang dah siap print out ada la dekat 10.

eh tibe-tibe cakap pasal tah pape, macam la ada orang tanya. baek aku share pasal video tomok ni. semua nak CST je, tak nak kalah dengan ashraff muslim, tomok pon cari CST jugak. as expected, memang they all did a great job. aku booking terus la untuk wedding and tunang aku nanti eh *daydreaming

jom tengok abang tomok macam tough dalam video ni and kak ayu yang macam ayu tahap kalah aku

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Regret nothing

Rasa macam diri tengah buang masa.
takut akan datang bakal menyesal tak sudah. mula la, asal la aku tak buat tu buat ni masa cuti hati tu. 
takut nanti bakal hadapi masa sempit lepas dah habis masa lapang. 
takut nanti bakal hadapi susah lepas tamat masa senang. 
takut akan tiba masa stress bila diri terbiasa dimanjai begini.

aku kena buat apa ni. korang tahu?

makan bangun tidur makan tidur makn tidur tak bangun-bangun
even all you do is nothing, u r the reason for the smile, still.! IMY  IMY IMY 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tomok kahwin Julai

eh eh ini bukan blog gosip blog hiburan bukan jugak majalah mangga hihihi tapi ni blog seorang die hard fan yang head-over-heel minat tomok sampai his wedding sort of sad thing for me tsk tsk
amazed. this is what we call awesome. creative.! but it'll be much batter with the dua inside instead of the song. hiiii that's is why it belong to an entertainer, Tomok

okay okay. ni mesti shah indrawan lain ni. tak kan tak kan nehi nehi babujiii. tipu tipu
gosip semata-mata. *pejam mata cepat

this can't be. *nangis setahun.
semoga kekal sampai ke syurga, doakan you both :) ikhlas ni sebagai die hard fan sebab aku tak pernah minat artis macam ni huhu ni pun kes zaman budak-budak dulu punya sejarah. *nak jugak sebut sejarah.
jom serbu reramai

remark:pictures credited to madammondoq

Nak jugak


hari ni eh tipu semalam lagi aku teringat sangat ayah yang jauh sebab hari ni kan hari bapa. when everyone is busy wishing their father, aku? dah dah, aku takde niat nak buat post sedih apalagi nak buat ramai orang nangis kat sini *adake?

aku ingat ni tapi tak ingat masa aku berapa tahun.

ayah jadi kuda-kuda dan aku penunggangnye yang sangat comel, naik kuda sambil sepak-sepak air laut. mungkin banyak pasir pantai masuk mata ayah kan. maaf :( 

ayah bawak aku pusing satu kampung *tetiap petang. naek motor ala ala Harley Davidson (motor besar) sambil aku peluk ayah sebab aku kan kecik lagi masa tu.

ayah dukung aku tengah-tengah malam sebab aku meragam tak nak tidur. siap pusing satu quarters klinik bila mak on-call sampai aku tertidur dalam dukungan.

ayah post gambar ayah dari new zealand untuk setiap anak ayah kat rumah. sorang satu gambar, satu ucapan. "untuk anak ayah yang petah berkata-kata" *tak sempat nak scan masuk sini

ayah sampai nak buat menantu dan bagi macam-macam dekat sorang anak jiran yang selamatkan aku masa lemas mandi kolam dalam quarters lama dulu. *ini aku ingat, 6 tahun.

paling aku tak boleh lupa.

ayah pernah pukul aku sampai tinggal kesan 5 jari ayah  kat atas belakang aku sebab aku menjawab cakap ayah. lepas tu, kalau ayah marah aku mesti diam. serik tapi aku tahu, ayah takde niat buat aku sakit macam tu sebab lepas tu ayah tak pernah angkat tangan nak cubit aku pun.  

semua ayah buat selama 20 tahun jaga anak ayah yang degil dan keras hati ni, terima kasih ayah. satu je orang boleh bagi ayah sekarang, alfatihah dan yasin. 

psssttttt....someone will never be simply accepted as his son-in-law because he trust no one can look after his daughter the way he did. consider yourself lucky enough when all you need to do is get my brother approval and he's not bad. go and look for him, not me okay?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Notification for him THERE

the notification for someone birthday came out that day. 6th June 2011. It's weird to see all those wishes weren't how they supposed to be. why were they saying al-fatihah instead of happy birthday or other beautiful wishes on such a beautiful day for someone... 

curiousity turn me to the most sad-est stalker when I went through all the post until I found out the truth, the account now have no owner. the owner left the account as a medium for his friends to send him the pray and wishes when he is no longer in the world where his friends can never communicate with him at all. 

Alfatihah for the late Mr.Zainuddin who I'll never have the chance to talk to or even know any single thing about him but I know how people constantly posted on his wall as a way out when thought of him come and how they were hoping for their friends to hear what they wanna say. how they wish he was around with them. how they stop by at his wall once a while shedding their tears just to remember how lucky they were to have him once with them.

I just can't help but tears coming down my cheek when I read those ;

"Missing you terribly that people might think we had something going - the truth is, it was a friendship of the greatest understanding of things that needs to be understood!
Wherever you are I know that you are happy as you couldn't wait to go."

"hey u wherever you are .... she made it and all is wonderful, despite what happened the week before .... hope you r smiling at me in heaven!"

"wishing you were in this time and space but knowing you couldn't wait to move on! :)"

"‎"thank you God for giving me a beautiful life, for every single breathe, every single moment..."-ZIAl-Fatehah."

"Zi, semuga anda sentiasa di dalam keredhaan Allah. Wish You Were Here"

"wishing you were here ... plenty to share."

dude, went to SP. saw TGI where we used to partying during our good time. u r missed!!!!

"dude.. miss u old pren.wish you were around. hate log in to fb, takde org usik i dah!"

I can't imagine how his friends felt his absence when even I, as a stranger feel like I'd known him for a long time the way they were expressing their feelings towards him, how his warm-hearted squeeze into my soul. 

I hope when the day comes for me I can deactivate my fb account first and this bloq as well because I will be sad knowing nobody will do the same for me like Mr.Zainudin's friends did for him.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Ants Problem :   
Ants hate cucumbers. Keep the skin of cucumbers near the place or ant hole.

To get pure and clean ice : 
Boil water first before freezing.

To remove chewing gum from clothes : 
Keep the cloth in the freezer for an hour.

To whiten white clothes :  
Soak white clothes in hot water with a slice of lemon for 10 minutes

To give a shine to hair : 
 Add one teaspoon of vinegar to hair, then wash hair.

To avoid tears while cutting onions :  
Chew gum.

To remove ink from clothes : 
       Put toothpaste on the ink spots generously and let it dry completely, then wash.

To get rid of mice or rats : 
 Sprinkle black pepper in places where you find mice or rats.